Saturday, September 4, 2010

Does Anyone Else Hear That?

I work in a children's store.  I am around children all day long.  I see the good ones, the mean ones, the poorly raised ones and the little angels.  One thing that constantly amazes me is how parents cannot hear their child annoying the crap out of the rest of us.

Seriously - how can a parent not have compassion on the rest of us who are hearing their spawn screaming/crying at a decibel level that could shatter fine crystal?  I have seen mothers talk on cell phones, stand and chit-chat to another mother or just totally ignore their little noise-maker as though they did not exist.  Seriously?  My ear drums are bleeding.  Take the kid outside, down the block, into the parking lot or Hey - back to YOUR house!  Just make the noise stop!   What gives parents the right to disturb my dinner, interrupt my worship or make my head hurt?  If you are going to allow your little monster to scream himself silly - that's totally up to you.  But, get her out of my earshot.

Now, if your child is beginning to cry, I'm okay for a couple of minutes while you comfort them and try to make everything all better.  But, if that doesn't work - don't ignore it.  None of the rest of us can ignore it so why should you get all the fun?  If you are working through a discipline problem, you have my sympathy.  You just don't have the right to inflict it on me. Do something about the noise; put a pacifier, bottle or lollipop in it.  It's in a stroller - stroll away from me!  It's on a 'child' leash - go walk it.  It's in your arms - jiggle it.  It's lying on the floor at your feet, throwing limbs in the air - duct tape it.   But, seriously - get some control.  Who's in charge here - you or the siren?  Take some action and have mercy on the rest of us WHO DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!!!

1 comment:

  1. Haha. Venting a bit, are we? It's cool. I feel the same way. Once I was at a restaurant sitting in a booth minding my own business. Then, on the other side of one of those short walls that separate the tables a little boy reached over and almost stuck his hand in my food! Did anyones stop him from for the rest of the evening? No. I was so annoyed. Thank goodness we were leaving soon or I might have gone postal. I should have said something but conflict makes me tremble. I'd rather not. Eventually that is going to subside and someone's going to get an earful.
