Thursday, August 26, 2010

It's a Conspiracy

Okay, I'm on a diet. I went into double digit clothes so something has to change.  Frankly, I can't afford to buy new stuff so the easiest answer seemed to be to lose the extra 20 and get back into my own clothes.  Yeah, right.  I haven't dieted in years.  Usually, when I picked up 5 or so extra pounds, I just stopped eating Taco Bell, Mickey D's and Checkers and PRESTO... the extra baggage was gone.  Seems I might have ignored the upward climb too long this time and it has gotten outta hand.  So, drastic measures are called for... No fast food, No snacking, No after 6pm eating and No ice cream!

I was good for the first few weeks; I had my resolution to keep me company and a co-worker nagging me about my Coca Cola addiction.  6 lbs down so far.   What I need now is the cooperation of the advertising/marketing folks out there in TV land.  Seriously- is there a conspiracy to keep me fat?  Why is every commercial about food?  Close up pictures of pizza, burgers and cold Coke. And, it looks like everyone is having a GREAT time at all the restaurants I am currently not patronizing.  When did that happen? Will they all still be there when I come out of the 'diet cave'?  What happened to the endless car commercials, the 'Wait - call now and we'll double the offer' commercials, the embarrassing commercials about condoms, tampons, male enhancement and Zestra?   I don't see any of those ads anymore... All I see is food.  Even food that I wouldn't put in my mouth for money looks good! 

I am convinced someone has hacked my cable line and is controlling the commercials that are on my TV.  No channel is safe.  Even commercial-free Disney has some 'Pass the Plate' segment about foods around the world!  I tried watching the Food Network and that horrible show where the guy goes around the globe eating things that would normally make me yak. Maybe bugs aren't as bad as I think they are... he seems to enjoy them.

My brilliant alternative was to turn off the TV and catch up on episodes of my favorite shows on HULU.  Yeah, not so much. Someone please tell me when marketers caught on to the idea of inserting commercials into non-TV media. Seriously, I give up. Guess I will read for the next month.


  1. Lol... gotta love books, they don't have commercials yet. However, I did read and article that ebooks will have commercials soon, if not already. :(

  2. I could not agree more. I am dieting too and food has never looked this good. Andrew Zimmerman may have competition if I get any hungrier. Bring on the beetles

  3. Kim girl, you are rocking the blogosphere!!! So proud of you :) And you're hysterical. Love you!
